The thing I detest most in the world is a disturbing sound that I'm told is called "bagpipe music."
Someone in my neighborhood plays it every afternoon, and it drives me into a barking frenzy. Occasionally the sound comes out of the magic TV box, and I have to run around the house, barking wildly, looking for it. Bagpipes are terrible, terrible things.
First Snow
Posted by
on Sunday, March 7, 2010
Comments: (1)
I experienced snow for the first time last month. It is not supposed to snow where I live, and I am glad because I did not like it at all.
It was cold and wet. It turned part of my backyard very muddy. And it totally messed up my fur-do. Whoever is in charge of this snow stuff, please stop it around here.
Apparently I am a Dragon
Posted by
on Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Comments: (3)
I had no idea; but, apparently, I am a dragon. A breed of dragon called the Night Fury. And a movie has been made about me! Here is the poster for the movie.
Here are some pictures of me from the movie.
My name in the movie isn't Archie. I use a pseudonym and I am named Toothless. BOL!
Here are some pictures of me from the movie.
My name in the movie isn't Archie. I use a pseudonym and I am named Toothless. BOL!
Happy Birthday to ME!
Posted by
on Monday, February 8, 2010
Comments: (2)
Happy birthday to me!
Happy Birthday to me!
Happy birthday dear meeeeeeeee!
Happy Birthday to me!
I was born February 8, 2009 and I am one year old today!
Here I am with my stuffy, who I love to pieces! When my mama & papa sit down for supper, I always run get Stuffy and bring him into the dining room.
Here I am helping mama get work done. Notice the papers I'm blocking?
I hope everyone has a great day on MY birthday! XOXO
Happy Birthday to me!
Happy birthday dear meeeeeeeee!
Happy Birthday to me!
I was born February 8, 2009 and I am one year old today!
Here I am with my stuffy, who I love to pieces! When my mama & papa sit down for supper, I always run get Stuffy and bring him into the dining room.
Here I am helping mama get work done. Notice the papers I'm blocking?
I hope everyone has a great day on MY birthday! XOXO
Bad, Bad Archie
Posted by
on Friday, January 8, 2010
bad archie
Comments: (4)
I have been on a bad streak this week!
I went to the bathroom inside, even though I know better.
I vomited on my pawrents' bed, and while they were sleeping in it.
I destroyed a pillow that was filled with teeny tiny little beads, and they went everywhere. It looked like it had snowed inside our house when I was done with that pillow!
I have chewed on my brother Catfish's collar so that it is barely recognizable or functional.
That's a lot of damage! And the week's not even over yet!
I went to the bathroom inside, even though I know better.
I vomited on my pawrents' bed, and while they were sleeping in it.
I destroyed a pillow that was filled with teeny tiny little beads, and they went everywhere. It looked like it had snowed inside our house when I was done with that pillow!
I have chewed on my brother Catfish's collar so that it is barely recognizable or functional.
That's a lot of damage! And the week's not even over yet!
Merry Christmas
Posted by
on Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Comments: (3)
This was my first Christmas! I really enjoyed watching my Mama put a tree inside our house, and hanging pretty and shiny things from the branches. Turns out that it is a fake tree though!?! I quickly learned that if my ball rolled under the tree, I was not allowed to run towards it. My mama would get the ball for me. There were presents wrapped under the tree for me and my siblings. Santa brought us new balls and chew toys. Well, mama said they were from Santa; but I never actually saw him. She said he was sneaky and brought presents when we slept. Next year, I am going to stay up and wait for him. Lots of family came over to celebrate Christmas, and I enjoyed all the attention I received.
So Fresh and So Clean
Posted by
on Sunday, November 15, 2009
Comments: (4)
Today was the dreaded bath day. Here is photographic evidence of how much I dislike it. I jumped out of the tub twice trying to make my escape. But mama is fast and caught me quick.
Mama told me that she used to bathe me in the sink because I was so little.
This week I almost got another brother. My papa brought home a fella named Vader that normally stays at papa's friend's house. Vader was homesick though and kept trying to go back there even though it is kind of far away. He chewed part of our fence! Papa took Vader back to his old house before the night was over. Vader sure doesn't know what he's missing being here. Our house is so much fun! And we get lots of treats. I got treats for taking my bath today! But I hope Vader is happy again.
A Poem About My House
Posted by
on Sunday, November 8, 2009
Comments: (3)
Mama found this poem on the internet and it describes our house well.
Read more:
P.S.- I'm that favorite one that comes to sit in your lap!
Why own a dog? There's a danger you know,
You can't own just one, for the craving will grow.
There's no doubt they're addictive, wherein lies the danger.
While living with lots, you'll grow poorer and stranger.
One dog is no trouble, and two are so funny.
The third one is easy, the fourth one's a honey.
The fifth one's delightful, the sixth one's a breeze,
You find you can live with a houseful of ease.
So how 'bout another? Would you really dare?
They're really quite easy but, oh, Lord the hair!
With dogs on the sofa and dogs on the bed,
And crates in the kitchen, it's no bother, you've said.
They're really no trouble, their manners are great.
What's one more dog and just one more crate?
The sofa is hairy, the windows are crusty,
The floor is all footprints, the furniture dusty.
The housekeeping suffers, but what do you care?
Who minds a few noseprints and a little more hair?
So let's keep a puppy, you can always find room,
And a little more time for the dust cloth and broom.
There's hardly a limit to the dogs you can add,
The thought of a cutback sure makes you sad.
Each one is so special, so useful, so funny.
The vet and food bills grows larger, you owe BIG money.
Your folks never visit, few friends come to stay,
Except other "dog folks" who live the same way.
Your lawn has now died, and your shrubs are dead too,
But your weekends are busy, you're off with your crew.
There's dog food and vitamins, training and shots.
And entries and travel and motels which cost lots.
Is it worth it you wonder? Are you caught in a trap?
Then that favorite one comes and climbs in your lap.
His look says you're special and you know that you will
Keep all of the critters in spite of the bill.
Some just for showing and some just to breed.
And some just for loving, they all fill a need.
God, winter's a hassle, the dogs hate it too.
But they must have their walks though they're numb and your blue.
Late evening is awful, you scream and you shout
At the dogs on the sofa who refuse to go out.
The dogs and the dog shows, the travel, the thrills,
The work and the worry, the pressure, the bills.
The whole thing seems worth it, the dogs are your life.
They're charming and funny and offset the strife.
Your life-style has changed. Things won't be the same.
Yes, those dogs are addictive and so is the dog game.
You can't own just one, for the craving will grow.
There's no doubt they're addictive, wherein lies the danger.
While living with lots, you'll grow poorer and stranger.
One dog is no trouble, and two are so funny.
The third one is easy, the fourth one's a honey.
The fifth one's delightful, the sixth one's a breeze,
You find you can live with a houseful of ease.
So how 'bout another? Would you really dare?
They're really quite easy but, oh, Lord the hair!
With dogs on the sofa and dogs on the bed,
And crates in the kitchen, it's no bother, you've said.
They're really no trouble, their manners are great.
What's one more dog and just one more crate?
The sofa is hairy, the windows are crusty,
The floor is all footprints, the furniture dusty.
The housekeeping suffers, but what do you care?
Who minds a few noseprints and a little more hair?
So let's keep a puppy, you can always find room,
And a little more time for the dust cloth and broom.
There's hardly a limit to the dogs you can add,
The thought of a cutback sure makes you sad.
Each one is so special, so useful, so funny.
The vet and food bills grows larger, you owe BIG money.
Your folks never visit, few friends come to stay,
Except other "dog folks" who live the same way.
Your lawn has now died, and your shrubs are dead too,
But your weekends are busy, you're off with your crew.
There's dog food and vitamins, training and shots.
And entries and travel and motels which cost lots.
Is it worth it you wonder? Are you caught in a trap?
Then that favorite one comes and climbs in your lap.
His look says you're special and you know that you will
Keep all of the critters in spite of the bill.
Some just for showing and some just to breed.
And some just for loving, they all fill a need.
God, winter's a hassle, the dogs hate it too.
But they must have their walks though they're numb and your blue.
Late evening is awful, you scream and you shout
At the dogs on the sofa who refuse to go out.
The dogs and the dog shows, the travel, the thrills,
The work and the worry, the pressure, the bills.
The whole thing seems worth it, the dogs are your life.
They're charming and funny and offset the strife.
Your life-style has changed. Things won't be the same.
Yes, those dogs are addictive and so is the dog game.
Unknown Poet
Read more:
P.S.- I'm that favorite one that comes to sit in your lap!
Additional Archie Alliteration
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Who Is Archie?
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Accessorized: I, Archie, dress up for Halloween, and always wear a charm necklace (my collar). I also sometimes try to wear the pawrents' socks.
Affectionate: I, Archie, am always ready to give and receive some affection. In fact, I huff and puff if there is a lack of affection and attention.
Abuzz & Abubble: I, Archie, am an eager and excited dog when the pawrents arrive home. I run to where I know my mama puts her purse when she comes home, and I wait there abuzz and abubble to greet her.
Admonished & Abominable: I, Archie, occasionally do something bad, like pull the stuffing out of the dog bed, and I run and hide when my pawrents reprimand me with loud, strern voices.
Affectionate: I, Archie, am always ready to give and receive some affection. In fact, I huff and puff if there is a lack of affection and attention.
Abuzz & Abubble: I, Archie, am an eager and excited dog when the pawrents arrive home. I run to where I know my mama puts her purse when she comes home, and I wait there abuzz and abubble to greet her.
Admonished & Abominable: I, Archie, occasionally do something bad, like pull the stuffing out of the dog bed, and I run and hide when my pawrents reprimand me with loud, strern voices.
Happy Halloween
I had two Halloween costumes last night (because I am spoiled silly)! Papa wanted me to dress up as a Devil. Mama wanted me to be a Pumpkin.
Archie Parcheesi

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