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Archie/Parcheesi/Crazy Tongue

Here is a recent photograph of me.  I love my new collar that I'm wearing. It is black and has a pattern of white skulls and crossbones. Perfect for me, because I'm a rockstar! My mama pawrent likes this photograph because of my crooked bottom lip and tongue peeking out. My tongue usually does stick out the right side of my mouth. It has a mind of its own. Because of this, my pawrents sometimes call me "Crazy Tongue." But my real nickname is Parcheesi (hence the name of my blog). I understand the "Crazy Tongue" name; but I'm not sure why they call me Parcheesi. Except that its cute and fun to say. My pawrents are crazy! 
I do know why they named me Archie. My mama pawrent told me. You can tell by my photograph that my eyes are really, really far a-p-a-r-t. Dana said my wide set eyes were what set me apart from the rest of the puppies in my litter, and made me different enough to be the one she wanted to pick up and snuggle. One month, to the day, after I was born, Shaun & Dana went to see a movie that inspired my name. The movie had a character that was a superhero. The superhero had a flying device/ship named Archie. It looked like an owl. The windows were big circles set far apart like owl eyes. When Dana came home from that movie, she began calling me Archie. I think my name suits me and I like it just fine. I always come when my pawrents use it to call me. Sometimes I ignore them when they call me Parcheesi though. I like that name too, but I'm trying to train them that they can't have everything they want.


MJ's doghouse said...

wow archie...thanks for coming to my are quite the cutie pattooootie...i hope your mom blogs and blogs and blogs for you...sometimes our secretaries get lazy...i personally dont mind cu that usually means that there is no camera in my face...get used ot it little fella...and welcome to blog land...